Holy Trinity, Waringstown

Vol. 4 No. 2 - 1980

The Church of the Holy Trinity, Waringstown

by S.J.W. Cooper

Holy Trinity Church, Waringstown
Postcard showing interior of Holy Trinity Church with thanks to Derek Jamison Pullen for the image.

The Church was built and consecrated in 1681. It was provided by William Waring for the village he was setting up and to cater for the spiritual welfare of his tenants many of whom came from the north of England.

His son later encouraged Huguenots from Europe to settle in the village and many descendants still live in the locality.

(Apologies for poor quality of photographs below and lack of detail - they were scanned from photocopies of those in the original printed Review. [Ed])

Interior view of roof
The alter

The Huguenots, no doubt fostered the finer arts of linen manufacture for which the village of Waringstown became celebrated.

Alterations and extensions have altered the shape of the Church but many of the original features remain.

The magnificent roof, constructed from the oak trees in the surrounding woods, remains very much as the craftsmen shaped it with their adzes in the seventeenth century.

Tercentenary celebrations

Tercentenary celebrations are being arranged for 1981 and the Craigavon Historical Society has been asked to assist in arranging an exhibit. This will be in June 1981 but the celebrations will extend over much of that year.

Weaver's Cottage, Waringstown, Co. Down.
photograph by S. C. Lutton