Vol. 4 No. 2 - 1980
An experiment is being carried out at the Ancient Monuments' division of the Department of the Environment at Moira. A replica of a Bronze Age house is being built.
Especially interested in the work are the members of the Craigavon Historical Society since the construction work is under the supervision of Mr. George Robinson who is a very active member of the Society.
Dr. Ann Hamlin, Principal Inspector of Historic Monuments, believes that the completed house should be, as near as possible, a replica of the dwellings of the natives of this area almost a thousand years ago.
Basically a circular wooden framework of poles supports a wall of interwoven osiers or wattles. A sloping roof, carried from the eaves to upright interior poles, is thatched. When completed the circular wall will have an exterior covering of clay and a hole in the centre of the roof will allow smoke to escape.
The work of constructing the round house has been carried out, to a certain extent by trial and error, by Mr. Ernie Bell, a Moira man now living in Belfast.
Inside the round house it is surprisingly roomy. The members of the Society look forward to its completion.
It would be most interesting if the members of Craigavon Historical Society should one day meet in a Bronze Age Round House. It could happen!